Sunday, December 21, 2008

And Snows and Snows . . .

The gorge is closed on both sides of the river. Marcus decided not to go to work last night because he didn't want to get stuck in Portland for Christmas. It is still snowing today. The bishop decided just to have sacrament meeting at 11:00 and only if we feel totally safe in getting out. It took me two hours of leaf blowing the snow to get the car and pathways cleared yesterday. Freddies was a madhouse yesterday. Of course Jim and I got separated in the entry foyer. I stopped to put change in the SA kettle and he was gone. It took about an hour to find him. People we know kept saying they had seen him, but I couldn't find him until he had Cheryl page me to the nutrition center. Fun times. Mark next door shoveled the sidewalk in front and the steps up to the house this morning. I though Harmony would like the view of the birdbath/barbecue. We made end up with more than two feet today. School was cancelled so I stayed home Thursday and Friday to get Jim to his appointments and to keep Mom from trying to drive with just all weather tires. After what happened to Daddy three years ago, I don't want her taking any chances. We got three boxes off to Guam last week. Hopefully we won't have a repeat of gifts arriving 6 weeks late. I still have more boxes to send, but they are not Christmas stuff. I will be baking goodies to take to work tomorrow to share with a couple of offices in our area of the building. I hope I can get there from here tomorrow. I really don't want to walk that far. Tomorrow our days start getting longer. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Snow Photos Are Wonderful!